
Announcing the arrival of...

jonathan xavier fernandez

expected date of arrival: 8.8.08
(which is also the actual arrival date!)

the dez family of 3

welcome to the family baby dez!

hello world!
i can't wait to meet all of you!

one hour old

one day old

three days old

home sweet home!
i was discharged from the hospital 3 days after i was born. this was one of my first photos taken when i got home).

4 days old

my fave past time: eating and sleeping (especially in the day!). i am a lot more awake at night and needs lots of attention.

6 days old

i am opening up my eyes more and looking around. everything is so new and interesting. i am ready to explore the world with my eyes.

one week old

two weeks old

three weeks old

more photos to come...
pls be patient while we settle our schedule and find time to sort through the many photos we have already taken.

baby's guest book...

please leave me a hello or message.
my mommy and daddy will read the comments to me.
(Messages will NOT be published automatically on the website, mommy/daddy will receive an email and they will manually compile the messages on the website if the content is not private).

i am really lucky to have so many wishes and messages!
read them here

i had lotsa fun reading your very nice wishes and messages. thank you!! mom and dad have compiled them here.